Our primary virtual switch location is in Fremont, California, on the US West Coast. This site has 1gbps of connectivity and direct peering to Hurricane Electric. The physical datacenter it is located in is Hurricane Electric's Fremont 2 DC.
We have an extension switch in the Serverius DC1 datacenter located in Dronten, about 30KM away from Amsterdam, in The Netherlands. This site is fed with a 250mbps circuit and has excellent peering into the rest of Europe.
The Asia-Pacific region is served by an EVIX extension switch in New Zealand, offering much better latency to regional peers than tunnelling through the US. A 1gbps circuit provides connectivity to the internet at large.
Thanks to iFog, we have a POP in Zurich, Switzerland.
Thanks to Xenyth Cloud/GoCodeIT Inc, we have a POP located in the Equinix TR2 Datacenter, in Toronto. They offer VMs with local connectivity to EVIX as well.